November 11, 2010 – 2:36 pm
Nordic Style have long since been involved in the development of beautifully crafted, traditional Swedish Interiors. We have always enjoyed the light tones of Scandinavian furniture design, Carl Larsson (1853-1919) as our inspiration.
Carl Larsson popularised the bright and airy finishes to counteract the Scandinavian winters which are long and dull with a lack of natural light.
November 15, 2010 – 10:36 am
We know its a month early but what isn’t!
Nordic Style have started to update their main website for Christmas. They are working on a fantastic collection of Swedish Christmas gifts, everything from quality Wreaths to traditional Candleholders.
November 11, 2010 – 5:36 pm
Nordic Style have now added to their collection of traditional, Scandinavian-style fabrics that amount to a fairly hefty collection. If you are looking to reupholster or you simply want to learn more about what we offer, look through and leave your suggestions.